Tag Archive for: Buda side

write a letter to Budapest

Dear Budapest,


It all happened on June 8th when we were told we would have the chance to come and visit you.

What an excitement… Your Danube, your bars, your nice people, we have heard so much about you that we couldn’t wait anymore to finally meet you.

Here we are… Thursday evening, rushing after work, getting on the plane…it didn’t take us more than two hours to reach you and we could already see you from the sky, you already looked amazing.

57b825f6663c2cb9844275e6e435169a8784496a75c7be74cepimgpsh_fullsize_distrOnce we arrived we saw people everywhere. Your streets were so vibrant and alive. It almost felt as if everyone knew we were coming.

The atmosphere at work was really nice. Our colleagues welcomed us so warmly, it did not feel as if it was the first time we met them. It was as if we knew each other all along. We were so happy we could talk to one another personally instead of via Skype or email. We were happy we had the opportunity to meet and get to know one another. We could finally match faces with the names that we often heard.

Budapest, your sun, your thermal baths, your amazing hills on the Buda side, your restaurants… We would like to say: your everything is amazing. Unfortunately we were too short on time… We assume that you were trying to tell us we should come back to visit you again.

See you next time Budapest, we cannot wait!



Ikram & Meriem

PS.: If we were mystery evaluators in Budapest, we would say that we did not do it for the shop fee. We did it to explore the beautiful city. We did it for the lovely memories we got in exchange. The shop fee is the city itself and beyond!



Author: Ikram20160925_210646

Ikram has been a part of the Bare team for more than a year now. She is a native French speaker, but also speaks English, Arabic and Spanish. She studied translation and had the opportunity to live in both Syria and Egypt during her studies. Within the Bare team she is a real community builder who tries to work on activities and relations inwards and outwards of the company. She loves traveling, reading and discovering new cultures.



Author: Meriem87ac2f4d7500464597836526f441c9dccf3782a2e56f23958apimgpsh_fullsize_distr

Meriem has been working for Bare International for 1 year now, and she is mainly responsible for projects in Belgium. In her free time she loves spending quality time with her family – especially with her 3-year-old son. She is very outgoing: loves having fun, shopping, travelling and having deep conversations with her loved ones. She has a degree in Office and Data Management.



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